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About Us

Earnest Cox apprenticed with Joseph Pacino and Domenic Giarrusso.  Earnest is an educator, member of the National Association of Watch a Clock Collectors (member no. 0137754) with over 30 years of experience with clock collecting and repair.  He was always taught to fix a clock with your eyes before you fix it with your hands.  Earnest has served as president of the Rhode Island Chapter #110 of the National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors and is a member of the American Watch and Clock Collectors Association. Earnest has an extensive collection of clocks, music boxes and other horological  wonders. 


Domenic Giarrusso apprenticed with the late Cosmo D'Aggastino, a third generation clock maker.  Domenic is a retired aircraft engineer with over 50 years of clock making experience.  He was mechanically inclined from an early age and has maintained his love for clocks over the past few decades.  Domenic is a member of the National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors (member no. 57545) and is an early member of the Rhode Island Chapter #110.


Kathleen M. Wiard apprenticed with Stanley Schier and has 30 years of experience as a clock maker.  She has worked for Linden Cuckoo Clock Manufacturing Company, Seth Thomas Clock Company and was the owner of the Village Clock Shoppe in Centerdale, Rhode Island. 


Every Moment is a Memory

Horology-Our Passion


We are in the business of preserving clocks and horological wonders for now and future generations.

© 2013 by Cox Clocks. All rights reserved.

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