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Customer satisfaction is job one!   We have over 100 years of collected experience in repairing antique, vintage and modern clocks.  Any clock we sell will be serviced before it leaves our hands.    The services we provide are listed below.  We do not service watches.  Do to a reduction in staff, we will make limited house visits.


A mechanical clock is a machine that works twenty four hours, seven days a week and like your car, it will require regular service.  All clocks are serviced before they are shipped to their new home. The clock movement will be removed from its case and will receive a complete overhaul.  Under normal conditions, a clock should be oiled by a clock maker every three years.

Tune Up

A clock that has been properly over-hauled and maintained should only require an inspection for operation and oiling every three years.  This is a precise process that requires that oil be placed on the pivots (the area where the clock gears turn in the plates of the clock) and other motion points in the movement.  A clock movement should never be sprayed to enhance operations as this will hasten the proper operations of the clock.


If it is determined that a clock does not have worn parts, an overhaul will be done on the clock.  This process involves disassembling the movement, cleaning it in a clock cleaning solution, reassembling the clock, oiling, synchronizing the chimes, and testing.  All work is guaranteed for one year.  


The physcial conditions under which a clock runs could effect the frequency with which a clock may need service; excessive dirt/dust, the use of central Air, exposure to other elements could add or take away from this frequency.


Preserving antique clocks is our speciality, and we will do all in our power to be sure each clock is as original state as possible.  Clocks that have been run for long periods of time without service typically will have worn parts.  All clocks will be disassembled, cleaned, checked for worn parts and worn parts will be replaced before the clock is reassembled, oiled and placed into testing. 


From time to time a clock may be exposed to physical conditions that cause the wood to crack or chip.  We will anayze each clock on an individual basis to determine the least amount of work that needs to be done to restore the case.  We will make every effort to describe any work we do to a clock and describe the physical condition of all clocks as we find them.


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